Posted by Billy Christopher Maupin
Thanks to our incredibly awesome publicist, Judi Crenshaw, I have done three phone interviews this past week with three different publications (, STYLE Weekly, and Richmond Times-Dispatch). I constantly feared saying something incredibly ridiculous and then reading the article saying to myself "Wow[or some other word that I shouldn't publish here], did I really say that?" But these fantastic writers, Karri Peifer, David Timberline, and Celia Wren, respectively, have written articles that illuminate the project in such an exciting, beautiful, intriguing (how I could go on) way! The link I posted last week, so here lie the links to the article that appeared in STYLE Weekly yesterday and the article that appears in the weekend section of the Times-Dispatch today.

David Timberline's piece in STYLE can be read

Celia Wren (who was so absolutely incredible to speak with) 's article in today's Times-Dispatch can be read

And just so you don't have to hunt back to last week, here is the link to Karri Peifer's
feature on
I also want to give a shoutout to the two other directors in our 365, Darius T. Epps and Kaye

Weinstein Gary, who have two of the most unique, refreshing visions that I have encountered.
(Darius is pictured to the left. Kaye is pictured to the right.)
They say all good things must end. Apparently the Barksdale Blog is one of them. What have you done with Bruce Miller? His last blog entry was 16 days ago. Why should I click on if there's never anything new?
But I'm not finished yet! -Line from Barksdale Theatre's production of Week 50 of 365Days/365Plays by Suzan-Lori Parks
I'm not dead yet! -Some Monty Python quote
Do not fear, the blog is still here! -Silly thing from the mind of Billy Blogopher
Thank you for you comment. I assure that there are a few new blog posts already in the works and many more to come. We will make a concentrated effort to post more frequently.
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