This is a letter from a very dear member of our Barksdale Family. He wanted us to post it on the blog to let everybody know how much he appreciated the way we rallied around him in a time of dire need after his home caught fire. Despite losing just about everything they owned, nobody was injured in the fire. For that, we are grateful! Here is Tim Bethea's letter of thanks:
To Barksdale and Theatre IV's artists and staff,
It is with humble appreciation that I write this letter of thanks. First, I would like to thank Tom, Phil, and Bruce for bringing my situation to everyone's attention. It is an unreal experience to see everything you have worked for gone in a few short minutes. But through this situation I have learned the value of good health and a sound mind. Material things can be replaced, but life and good health are essential to move forward. To the Barksdale and Theatre IV Family I am most appreciative for the kind words and donations. The kindness shown to me and my family will never be forgotten.
Thank you,
Tim Bethea